
       Chemistry Lab                                Computer Lab                     


            Biology Lab    `                         Physics Lab        
In Chemistry Lab the students learn not only how to conduct an experiment but also how important precautionary measures can be. They learn better as they use multisensory technique. They understand the procedure, make observations, record, analyze and conclude thus practicing what they learn theoretically in the classroom through lectures.
Our school has a well-equipped Biology lab with latest audio-Visual aids. Here students conduct experiments and supplement their theoretical knowledge with practicals and explore their full potential.
Demos, experiments and practicals are carried out by the students over here. This lab also has a dark room for optic experiments. Students are guided and observed while they are at work in the lab.
Teaching a topic with the help of audio/video aids is a new level of understanding for students. Keeping this thing in mind, Chaman Vatika provided the facility of projection labs where teachers of various departments teach their subjects with the help of Computers. We have different kinds of Interactive software and CDs for this purpose. It helps the child to learn difficult concepts in easy and interesting way. Moreover, it is 'FUN WHILE LEARNING'
We have well equipped two computer labs with 62 computers running on LAN. 
I Compute Lab-1, we have 30 computers. All are connected with each other. We have the facility of Internet for 24 hrs. Students are allowed to search information on net in their computer periods as well as they can check their mails also. 
In Computer Lab-2, we have 32 Computers. All the latest software are centrally installed and can be shared. We have printers, scanner, webcam and speakers as well as headphones available in lab. This lab is also connected with Internet. Students visit computer labs to learn different-different software/Languages as well as access course materials, complete assignments, use emails and participate in online courses.